Waldpark Grünheide - Children and Youth Relaxation Centre (CYRC) in Saxony
Our unique area, in the middle of green forests, offers ideal conditions for eventful class outings which can also be ajar to the curriculum.
We enable you diverse programmes for interesting school trips, youth hostel stays and project weeks.
Also we offer optimal possibilities for training or practice camps, handicapped trips, seminars, meetings or big events.
Our 'KiEZ' (CYRC) is a moderne accommodation. It has got rooms with 2 till 6 beds, appartements, family bungalows, summer huts and a campsite.
Beside our flate offers, there are also lower-cost transfers by bus for the arrival or the departure. Of course we will support you in the realization of your own projects.
Since the beginning of 2012, there excist two modernized summer houses with handicapped accessible accommodations.
At the following pages you will find all the important information about the CYRC 'Waldpark Grünheide' and our diverse offers.
Surely there will be also an offer for you!
If you have got some questions, please contact us per E-mail (<link>info@waldpark.de) or per telephone (+493744/8373-0).
Now have some fun by checking out our website!